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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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Midwater Trawls

Midwater trawls

Greepeace "Defending Oceans" - pair trawling and bycatch interactive guides

Pelagic or midwater fishing methods ~ (Courtesy of Scottish Executive)

Dolphin corpses found near trawlers

CEFAS ~ Abstract ~ “Pair trawling gear”

Seabed environmental damage caused by trawling operations

ICES - Close Europe's cold-water coral reefs to fishing

Bycatch - The hidden cost of bottom trawling (link to Greenpeace NZ)

Fishing capture gears and methods (UN Ocean Atlas World Fish fish capture technology)

Fishing methods (Marine Conservation Society Fishonline Website)

Fishing Gear types - (FIGIS - Fisheries Global Information System)

How to buy fish with a clear conscience - 13th March 2006

Scientist warns of threat to last stronghold of endangered turtle -  8th March 2006

Marine ecologists to help rebuild decreasing fish stocks - 16th February 2006

Have your say on the future of seafish – 10th February 2006

Detective work needed on which nets kill dolphins - 23rd January 2006

Rescuers ready for Thames whale - 20th January 2006

Whale spotted in central London  - 20th January 2006

Dolphin carnage returns to coast  - 17th January 2006

21 dolphins washed up on beaches – 16th January 2006

Dolphin slaughter begins again - 16th January 2006  

Legal action against UK over insufficient cetacean protection - 20th December 2005

Devon trawlermen convicted of multiple fishing offences – 10th November 2005

Commission decides not to ban pair trawls - 23rd April 2005

Dolphin corpses found near trawlers - 15th March 2005

Call for bass boycott after dolphin death  - 30th November 2004

Dolphin carcass signals start of winter carnage - 19th November 2004

EU, Russia ban some trawling in Northern Atlantic  - 18th November 2004

Action pledge to 'save dolphins'  - 13th November 2004

Pressure rises on trawling - 19th October 2004

EU fleet exposed destroying deep sea life - 19th October 2004

Fishermen call for end to slaughter caused by EU net laws - 18th October 2004

Probe on dolphin deaths as research trawl kills 14 dolphins  - 14th October 2004

Nets leave a trail of death in the sea - 9th October 2004

UN lobbied to ban bottom trawl fishing - 6th October 2004

Trawlers that kill hundreds of dolphins banned from British seas - 28th September 2004

Bradshaw intent on dolphin protection measures - 28th September 2004

Pair trawling for sea bass banned - 27th September 2004

UK Fisheries Minister announces pair trawl ban - 27th September 2004

Fishermen seek ban on EU multi-rig trawlers - 3rd July 2004

New Malaysian law soon on permitted trawl nets - 29th June 2004

Restaurants & hotels ban sea bass caught by pair trawlers - 31st May 2004

Minister to probe bass fishery veto - 13th April 2004

Court decision allows more sea lion killing - 8th April 2004

EU decides to better protect dolphins - 23rd March 2004

Nine dolphins washed up on local Dorset (UK) beaches - 24th February 2004

Dolphins in net danger - 23rd February 2004

New-born porpoise caught in trawler net - 19th February 2004

Killing time on a sea of desperation, UK dolphins are being slaughtered - 4th February 2004

MPs back sea bass ban - 3rd February 2004

Dolphin deaths just days after report - 2nd February 2004

MPs in plea to save dolphins - 31st January 2004

EU awards Cetacean Bycatch Observer Project contract – 27th January 2003

Large number of dead porpoises washed ashore - 21st January 2004

Higher contaminant levels add fuel to argument for wild fish - 11th January 2004

Ministers plan allows more sea lion deaths - 7th October 2003

Fishing method eyed in mammals’ deaths - 4th October 2003

Latest deaths of whales add to the mystery - 4th October 2003

North Sea fish have shrunk - 25th September 2003

Anchovies, a wasted resource - 15th September 2003

Conservation as the catch of the day for trawl nets - 31st July 2003

“Pingers” to protect porpoises and dolphins in Baltic - 25th July 2003

Nearly 1,000 whales drowning daily in fishing nets: study - 15th June 2003

Why dolphins are paying the price of your sea bass dinner - 25th May 2003

False hake declarations result in record fine - 5th April 2003

Net fails to close on law-breaking fishermen - 3rd April 2003

For £118 a dolphin dies - 1st April 2003

Cut fishing to save dolphins - 26th March 2003

Dolphin deaths won't stop - 22nd March 2003

Campaigners say dolphin slaughter will not end - 20th March 2003