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Concentrations of dissolved metals in selected estuaries: 1991-1995, England and Wales 4.7 CSV PDF XLS
Annual estimates of Direct UK Inputs to coastal waters around the UK: 1990-2000 4.11 CSV PDF XLS
Annual estimates of total UK inputs (direct and riverine) of metals, pesticides and organic substances from Great Britain to coastal waters around the UK: 1991 - 1999 4.12 CSV PDF XLS
Atmospheric inputs from UK sources to the North Sea: 1987 - 2000 4.13 CSV PDF XLS
Dumping of sewage sludge, industrial waste and dredgings at sea: 1985-1999 4.14 CSV PDF XLS
Reported discharges attributed to vessels and offshore oil and gas installations; number of incidents and estimated volume of discharges by enumeration area: 2000 4.15 CSV PDF XLS
Reported source of pollution by enumeration area: 2000 4.16 CSV PDF XLS
Operational discharges of oil and oil spills from offshore installations: 1982-2000, North Sea 4.17 CSV PDF XLS
Pesticide concentrations in marine water samples: 1995-2000, England and Wales 4.19 CSV PDF XLS